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I was just reading Knights Of Sidonia Volume 4 (which is fab

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 2:11 pm
by Vertical Inc
I was just reading Knights Of Sidonia Volume 4 (which is fab by the way) and i noticed the colour pages were at the back, was that intentional, if so why? Also you've mentioned before that you dont know how long KoS will go on for and that you're a bit worried. Is there any chance that you'd drop it if it got to 20+ volumes? I really hope not because i love it!

Color pages in the back? Yup. We simply follow the Japanese editions. Nihei wanted them there, so we complied. What else should have done? ;)
Regarding the length of Sidonia…Well, sure it is a concern. Length is always an issue even for hit titles. Honestly, I cannot predict the future so I don’t want to even speculate cause it might be misinterpreted as fact (which is something that happens a lot on the net these days).