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First of all thank you for Gundam The Origin. It is awesome.

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 5:41 pm
by Vertical Inc
First of all thank you for Gundam The Origin. It is awesome. I enjoy reading, just pages are too bright for a actual manga, but it is not that bad. My question about Tsumotu Nihei's 10 volume Blame! series. As we know that Tokyopop don't have copyright of Blame!. Is there any thought about printing Blame!(+Noise, or any other Nihei's work) again? It would be awesome or I'll buy Japanese edition T-T even I don't understand a single of hiragana or katagana T-T. Thank you for your hardwork.

Thought… Yes. We did a survey on the subject here on this very tumblr. Twice actually. The most response we got was a hundred or so.

Sidonia is doing so-so also. So we have made no action towards those titles. But we’ll see how the Sidonia anime will impact things. If that takes off we have first shot. Wish us luck. (And tell all your friends to just buy Sidonia. It is really good.)