Chasm Lands on PS4, PS Vita This Summer

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Playstation Updates
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Chasm Lands on PS4, PS Vita This Summer

Post by Playstation Updates » Mon Apr 02, 2018 7:08 am

Chasm Lands on PS4, PS Vita This Summer

If you were deciding whether to get a PS4 back in 2014, you may have walked up to a demo kiosk at your local Best Buy or Target and tried out a game called Chasm. Or maybe you were already familiar with it from the time it first hit the public eye the year before when it blew away its funding goal on Kickstarter. And then you may have wondered whatever became of that game that reminded you of your favorite games from back in the day.

Well, I’m happy to report that the little team that could is now putting the final touches on this passion project that has consumed five people for nearly six years. We expect to be submitting the final game to Sony in a couple months and launching this summer. We've created a teaser trailer to whet your appetite which you can watch above.

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