How The Inpatient Turns Your Own Senses Against You

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Playstation Updates
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How The Inpatient Turns Your Own Senses Against You

Post by Playstation Updates » Thu Dec 14, 2017 7:00 pm

How The Inpatient Turns Your Own Senses Against You

As a kid, I couldn’t walk past a line of railings without running my fingers along them. It’s a tendency I still lean towards today an adult, grazing my hand along walls, fences; coarse or smooth, touch reinforces my awareness of the world. Sometimes I feel more than any other of the five senses, somatosensation ties me most strongly to my surroundings.

Smell and taste can transport me elsewhere, my vision can trick me into seeing things that don’t exist. Sounds are open to interpretation. Touch, though? That’s my link to here and now. To what’s real.

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