God of War: Inside the Paris Games Week Trailer

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God of War: Inside the Paris Games Week Trailer

Post by Playstation Updates » Tue Oct 31, 2017 11:10 am

God of War: Inside the Paris Games Week Trailer

When we unveiled a bold, daunting, new direction for God of War at E3 2016, Cory wrote here “Change is an essential part of life. In creative development change is often the explosive spark that transforms good enough into truly memorable.” As we sit here in the studio on the cusp of our content lock for the game, I can tell you our team’s souls are downright driven to nail those memorable moments with as much determination as Kratos and Atreus are on their incredible journey. There are no Soul Eaters lurking in these halls, though today you may think otherwise with our studio Halloween decorations. This team is making it happen once again through perseverance, passion, and determination.


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