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Action Movie-Inspired The Hong Kong Massacre Coming to PS4

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 10:46 am
by Playstation Updates
Action Movie-Inspired The Hong Kong Massacre Coming to PS4

Hi, my name is Anders and I am one half of a game studio called Vreski, based in the city of Malmö in south of Sweden. We are currently completing our first game to be released on PlayStation 4, The Hong Kong Massacre. I would like to use this post to talk a about how the game came to life and different parts of the development.

Around three years ago we started working on a prototype that would be the foundation of the game as it is today. When we first showed footage from our prototype, we were overwhelmed by the positive response we got from people all around the world. It encouraged us to keep working on the game while trying to improve it as much as we could. Now we want to share what we have been working on.