Tiny Trax Hits PS VR Tomorrow: From Starting Grid to Checker

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Tiny Trax Hits PS VR Tomorrow: From Starting Grid to Checker

Post by Playstation Updates » Mon Jul 24, 2017 6:44 am

Tiny Trax Hits PS VR Tomorrow: From Starting Grid to Checkered Flag

As Tiny Trax speeds to PlayStation Store tomorrow, I’m excited to see the result of two years’ work – and I’m very proud to tell the story of how the game evolved.

Whilst this type of game now seems like an obvious fit for VR, we had a few false starts getting here.

In early 2015 PlayStation was keen to receive VR ideas and originally, we looked at a drone racing game. Something we hadn’t considered was how the VR locomotion would affect gamers’ heads and stomachs… and given that I, along with our MD James Marsden, were particularly prone to simulation sickness, it was back to the drawing board (via a quick trip to the bathroom…).


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