Leave No Grisly Clues Behind in Serial Cleaner, Coming to PS

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Leave No Grisly Clues Behind in Serial Cleaner, Coming to PS

Post by Playstation Updates » Thu Feb 23, 2017 12:47 am

Leave No Grisly Clues Behind in Serial Cleaner, Coming to PS4

Hey, PlayStation fans! We're iFun4all and we're super excited to announce that our wacky, fast-paced stealth game Serial Cleaner will be making its way onto your favorite console! Working on this game has been a blast, and we want to share some of the things that make it unique.

Serial Cleaner's premise is simple -- you're a professional cleaner, the guy who's tasked with taking care of the mess left after mafia shootouts and other grisly affairs. Your job is to remove the evidence from the scene -- bodies, weapons, and blood -- so that nobody can connect the crime to your clients. The police force is on the scene as you move through it, so a single mistake can lead to your arrest and questioning, putting a black mark on your career!


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