Shadow of the Colossus: Remaking a Masterpiece

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Shadow of the Colossus: Remaking a Masterpiece

Post by Playstation Updates » Fri Jan 26, 2018 9:50 am

Shadow of the Colossus: Remaking a Masterpiece

When remastering an experience as legendary as Shadow of the Colossus, you have to make a decision. Do you keep everything as close to the original version of the game as possible, or smooth out some of the source material's rough edges? During our recent trip to Bluepoint Games in Austin, TX, we asked where exactly the team drew that line:

"The changes that come across in the game are very thoughtful changes," says Randall Lowe, producer on the new Shadow of the Colossus. "We worked hard to preserve the way the game felt, while making the control scheme more comparable to the Uncharteds and the Horizons of the world.

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