No Man’s Sky: 7 Ways to Start Your Adventure

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Playstation Updates
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No Man’s Sky: 7 Ways to Start Your Adventure

Post by Playstation Updates » Tue Aug 09, 2016 6:18 am

No Man’s Sky: 7 Ways to Start Your Adventure

"What do you do in No Man's Sky?" is a question that's followed Hello Games' ambitious space opus around ever since it was unveiled back in 2014. Truth is, it's never been an easy proposition to explain; when there's an entire galaxy to explore, how do you tell someone where to start?

You might already know that the goal is to make your way to the center of a galaxy full of unique, procedurally-generated planets, but it's what happens on the way there that's a mystery. Now, with about five hours game time behind me, it's becoming clear that there's a lot to do. As millions of travelers prepare to make their way into this vast, unknown universe, here are a few things that will help get your journey underway...

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