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Mages of Mystralia out August 22, Introducing Archmage Mode

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2017 11:41 pm
by Playstation Updates
Mages of Mystralia out August 22, Introducing Archmage Mode

I'm really excited to announce that we have developed an all-new mode called Archmage Mode for Mages of Mystralia in anticipation of our launch on August 22! It's designed for hardcore gamers (The type of person who might be reading PlayStation.Blog!) to make sure that you're challenged throughout the campaign.

In general, one of the hardest aspects of game design is nailing the difficulty curve. Ideally, you always want the game to be challenging but not too difficult. At the beginning, the game should be easy enough while the player develops the skills that are unique to the game. Over time, as the player has mastered those skills, the game should test them more and more. If the game is too difficult, it produces anxiety and frustration. Too easy, and the game is boring. Jesse Schell has a great diagram of this concept in his book The Art of Game Design.