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Upcoming games - From Final Fantasy to Kingdom Hearts

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 9:00 pm
by TheSa|nt
There are a lot of new games coming out soon that seem to have quite the story/design to them.
  • Final Fantasy XIII (13) - Which will be released possibly some time next year for PS3 and Xbox 360. It will be released as a sub-series if I understand correctly. The 1st and 2nd will be console, the 3rd will be for Japanese cell phones, and the 4th has no known information outside of the fact a possible name was TM'd for it (Final Fantasy Haeresis XIII).

    As for the cell phone release, I don't know how tolerable it will be since they claim it will be a full game's length (as any console release). Being the screens on most phones are so small, that would be damaging to the eyes after a while (I would think). I am sure it will be targeted for mobile phones I guess. Hopefully, if that's the case, they will release it here in the US as well.

    Here is a trailer for the 1st game (Final Fantasy XIII):

    Here is a trailer for the 2nd game (Final Fantasy Versus XIII):

    Here is a trailer for the 3rd game (Final Fantasy Agito XIII)
    (Note: No official trailer launch so you get cam-shot from some panel):

    No trailer information available for the 4th game yet (Possible Name: Final Fantasy Haeresis XIII)
  • Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep - The next chapter (or more like prequel) in the Kingdom Hearts series. This seems to be a very dark and action-filled story with very impressive graphics and CG animation that actually takes place before the story Sora (of the very first game) when there were other Keyblade masters.

    Personally I never got around to getting past the first 10 hours of the second game (and have been too busy since to pick up an RPG and play it). This game however makes me want to force time in there somewhere to sneak back in (well this and FFXIII combined I guess).

    Here is a trailer for it:
I really wish I had the free time that I used to, because with all the games coming out today...each release kills me more and more that I don't have enough time to play them all. I still have so many PS2 games I haven't even taken out of the package. Very soon hopefully that will change because these are some great releases.

Re: Upcoming games - From Final Fantasy to Kingdom Hearts

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 4:09 pm
by TheSa|nt
AABattery wrote:I'm really getting pumped up for KH 358/2 Days! IT'S COMING IN FEBUARY!!!!

Did you know that it's actually said "Three Five Eight Days Over Two"? KOOL

It's great that my aunt got me a DS for my b-day :D

I have happy
Well Happy B! Ya it looks like its going to be an exciting game.